< Six Mile Lake Association | East Jordan, Michigan

Six Mile Lake is Located in Beautiful Northern Michigan

Welcome to the Six Mile Lake Association

Six Mile Lake is located in Northern Michigan and lies in Charlevoix and Antrim counties and South Arm & Echo townships. The closest city to Six Mile Lake is East Jordan, Michigan which is located on the south arm of Lake Charlevoix.

The Six Mile Lake Association is dedicated to protect the quality of our lake and its watershed, and to make our community the best place to live, anywhere.  The association is a non-profit organization that is funded entirely by its membership. Membership is open to everyone who feels strongly about stewardship of the lake.

Six Mile lake Association presents a check to the Little Traverse Conservancy
Six Mile lake Association presents a check to the Little Traverse Conservancy

Facts About Six Mile Lake

Six Mile Lake Stats














SINCE 1988, the Six Mile Lake Association has protected the lake’s wildlife and natural resources while also providing family oriented social events to it members.

The Six Mile Lake Association is Committed To:

  • Helping with information to develop greenbelts on lake frontage, and reduce water pollution.
  • Providing educational information on such topics as wildlife, wet- land protection, water safety, and responsible boating practices.
  • Representing water-resource concerns of our membership to local officials and other organization.
  • Working in cooperation with Tip Of The Mitt Watershed Council to monitor water quality through a scientific testing program.
  • Supporting the Neighborhood Watch program.
  • Building a social network through association sponsored activities.
  • Supporting the pristine waterway of The St. Clair Lake-Six Mile Lake Natural Area.
Our History

Join the Six Mile Lake Association Today!

By becoming a member of The Six Mile LAKE Association, you are supporting our research, education, and advocacy efforts.  You also receive:

  •  Membership only areas of our website where you can connect and socialize with other members
  •  An invitation to all meetings and events.
  •  Access to the latest information on such topics as land planning, native plants & wildlife, and water quality data.
  •  An opportunity to develop lasting friendships.

NOW is the time to join the efforts to preserve and protect  Six Mile Lake

Help Protect The Natural Beauty of Our Lake

  • Do you take  time to enjoy the beauty of a sunrise or sunset over the lake?
  • Do you enjoy boating, fishing, or swimming in the clean waters?
  • Do you like sharing the environment with the Loons, herons, mink, turtles, and swans?
  • Bet you do!  So become a Six Mile Lake Association Member today to preserve and protect these pristine water resources for both present and future generations.

Our Journey Through The Special Assessment District (SAD) Process

Member Meeting Regarding the SAD With a Very Large Turn-Out

A Special Assessment District (SAD) was levied in 2013 for the purpose of eradicating/controlling aquatic invasives in Six Mile Lake.  The initial (5) year term of the SAD ends in early 2018, and then continues on an annual basis. PLM is our lake management company, who performs regular surveys and treatments.

While other lakes and communities struggle around us over this same issue, we have the luxury of enjoying a lake that might have a very different look today but for the actions of a couple of very astute board members who identified the noxious weed back in 2007.  Due to the action of the association and lake property owners, the SAD was established.

Below are references to how we made this long and difficult journey through this process.  Our situation is unique in that our lake lies in two counties (Antrim and Charlevoix) and two townships (Echo and South Arm).

Six Mile Lake - Michigan

©2025 Six Mile Lake Association

Website Created & Maintained by Derrick Hakim


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