As voted by the current membership on July 24, 2011
As revised 2016 and adopted by membership October 8, 2016
Current Board of Directors
Below are the Board of Directors at the time of the adoption in Oct. 2016
President, Cherie Hogan
Vice President, Cliff Sorrell
Secretary, Carol Kupovits
Treasurer, Kathy Batka
Director, Craig Schmidt
Director, Jeff Rogers
Alternate Director, Brent Patterson
Director, Paula Stephanic
Immediate Past President, Ken Shaner
Article I – Name and Membership
Section 1: The name of this Association shall be the Six Mile Lake Association (hereinafter referred to as “SMLA”).
Section 2: The fiscal year and membership year shall be from January 1st through December 31st.
Section 3: Voting members of the association are limited only to those individuals who own property on Six Mile Lake or have deeded access.
Article II – Mission and purpose
Section 1: The purpose of the Association is for the betterment and preservation of the Six Mile Lake community and for the oversight of the aquatic system of Six Mile Lake. This includes improving the common areas in the surrounding land area around the lake, working with other organizations to address concerns and identifying and providing solutions for lake and area related concerns.
Section 2: No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or any other private persons, except that the Board of directors shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II, Section 1 hereof.
Article III – Membership and Dues
Section 1: A member is defined as a qualified individual eighteen (18) years of age or older as stated in Article I, Section 3 and who has paid their association dues for the current period.
Section 2: Dues shall be paid for the forthcoming year. Initial dues payment shall cover the remainder of the year in which the dues are paid and the following year. Dues, payable to “Six Mile Lake Association”, are for the period January 1 through December 31 each year. Payments are due by September 30th., for the current calendar year.
Section 3: The amount of the annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors, subject to membership approval.
Article IV – Association Meetings
Section 1: The Annual Picnic of the Association shall be held on the 2nd Saturday of August each year at which time the association officers and directors are nominated to fill Board vacancies. Nominees need not be present for presentation to the Board at this time.
The First meeting of the year is for Board of Directors approval of the annual Budget and the Income Statement for the past year. Future Meeting dates for the year will be established at this time.
Section 2: Special Membership meetings may be called by the President, with a majority vote of the Board of Directors, or by ten (10) or more association members through a petition duly signed and presented to either the President or Vice President. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated on the notice and no other business shall be conducted at this meeting. Notice of this meeting, and its agenda will be posted in the association website with a minimum of (4) weeks notice as to the meeting date.
ARTICLE V – Membership Voting
Section 1. To be eligible to vote at any meeting, members must have their dues paid for the current year. One vote is allowed per family.
Section 2. A simple majority of the vote count will be sufficient to implement the issue that was voted upon.
Article VI – Board of Directors
Section 1: The Board of Directors shall consist of seven (7) Permanent Directors and one (1) Alternate Director. All Board Members are elected by the Membership during the September Membership meeting. Four of the Directors are officers; the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The Alternate Director shall be expected to attend the Board Meetings and vote in place of any Director that is not present. If all Board Members are present, the Alternate Director has no vote.
Section 2: All Directors shall serve a two (2) year term beginning January 1st of the year after the election, with no limit to the number of terms they can serve. They shall serve until the end of the term for which they were elected or until their successors are duly appointed by the Board.
Section 3: The Board of Directors shall schedule at least four (4) Board Meetings per calendar year. The Board of Directors shall also meet at the request of the President.
Section 4: The Board of Directors shall take counsel with committees, fill vacancies on the Board, provide leadership, and manage the general affairs of the Association.
Section 5: A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of a majority of current Board members. A quorum shall be present to conduct a Board Meeting.
Section 6: An individual Director may be removed from the Board by a majority vote of the entire Board of Directors.
Article VII – Officer Responsibilities
Section 1: The President shall preside at all meetings, appoint committees (with the approval of a majority of the Board of Directors), present reports at the Membership Meetings, assemble and distribute newsletters as needed and perform all other duties appropriate to this office, including assembling an annual report for the preceding year’s activities.
Section 2: The Vice President shall perform all aforementioned duties in the absence or disability of the President, serve as an ex-officio member of all committees, receive reports from all committees, and perform all other duties appropriate to this office.
Section 3: The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings, maintain membership records, conduct correspondence and announcements of the Association not specifically assigned to other Directors or members, and perform all other duties appropriate to this office.
Section 4: The Treasurer shall receive, deposit, and account for all monies of the Association, provide a report of current financial status to the membership and Board of Directors at each regular meeting, disburse funds, prepare an Annual Budget, Income Statement and Balance Sheet and perform all other duties appropriate to this office; in addition, provide the Secretary with a current paid membership listing.
Section 5: Dismissal of Board Member: In the event any Board Member should miss 3 or more Board Meetings during any one calendar year; that Board Member may be removed from office by the majority vote of remaining Board Members. Those Board Members in agreement, by a vote requested by any one Board Member either in person at a Board Meeting or Electronically which ever is applicable..The Secretary will provide written notification to the Board Member once the vote has been finalized and reflected in the minutes.
Article VIII Board Of Directors Elections
Section 1: The Board of Directors shall establish a Nominating Committee for the purpose of encouraging, screening, nominating and otherwise assisting in the recruitment of new Directors.
Section: 2 Nominees for election to the SMLA Board of Directors must be submitted to the Nominating Committee prior to the August Annual Picnic.
Section 3: The Nominees must be members in good standings and have paid membership dues for the past two (2) consecutive years.
Article IX Committees
Section 1: The need for a committee regarding a specific issue shall be established by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Section 2: The President, with the approval of a majority of the Board of Directors, shall appoint members and chairpersons of each committee.
Article X Other Requirements
Section 1: The President, Vice President, and Treasurer shall be authorized to sign any SMLA checks, two (2) Signatures are required on each check. All three officers shall review all check disbursals from the checkbook on a quarterly basis.
Section 2: A year ending Income Statement and annual budget shall be prepared by the Treasurer at the end of the fiscal year. This report shall be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors prior to its presentation at the first membership meeting of the year.
Article XI
Section 1: “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall be the parliamentary authority of all matters of procedure not covered by these Bylaws.
Article XII
Section 1: Any amendments to these Bylaws shall be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a Special Meeting called for that purpose. Written published notice of any proposed amendment(s) shall be supplied to the members a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to this Meeting and it will be posted to the SMLA website. Voting rules will be as stated in article V sections 1 and 2.
Article XIII
Section 1: The organization will remain nonprofit until it is dissolved.
Section 2: Upon dissolution of the Association, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all current liabilities of the Association, dispose of all assets of the Association and purchase game fish, with the proceeds, to be introduced into Six Mile Lake. Should there be any remaining assets they shall revert to a local charity.