< PLM Follow-up Survey Completed the Week of July 15th found No Milfoil! | Six Mile Lake Association

PLM Follow-up Survey Completed the Week of July 15th found No Milfoil!

Saturday, August 10, 13

To Six Mile Lake Property owners

This is a current status report of the Lake Management being performed by PLM.  As of this date, Six Mile Lake has been treated with the herbicides for control of the Eurasian Milfoil and a followup survey completed the week of July 15th found no Milfoil!  It was determined by the board no followup treatment for invasive species was required this month.  If you believe there are or have seen invasive Milfoil plants in the lake, please report it to any Association Board member and we will notify PLM as to where it is located.

So far, numerous people have reported to board members how clean and great the lake conditions are this year and have complimented the board for supporting the SAD that paid for the treatments.

As for the SAD and the method of assessing per parcel there are some property owners (including some board members) that are being assessed separately for property that adjoins their lot that has a separate tax identity code.  It was the board’s intent and request at all public and private meetings that property owners with adjoining lots with multiple assigned tax codes would be counted as one.  However, the Townships made it very clear during our discussions that they had the right to make the final decision as to how the assessments would be administered.

We as a organization have sent a protest letter to the Township Supervisors requesting that they reconsider the current Resolution #6 and amend the wording to clarify that owners with adjacent connecting property be assessed as only one single lot. I have had discussions with our Riparian attorney, Mr. Clifford Bloom, regarding this situation and the protest letters support that discussion.

Resolution #6 can be amended but requires the townships to act upon it.  We have volunteers (Cherie Hogan represents Echo Township while Fred and Shawn Hunt will represent South Arm Township) who will keep attending the monthly meetings to keep this issue on their schedule.

Ken Shaner


Six Mile Lake Association

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Website Created & Maintained by Derrick Hakim


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