< 2013 Six Mile Lake Golf Outing Results | Six Mile Lake Association

2013 Six Mile Lake Golf Outing Results

2013 Six Miel Lake Golf OutingSaturday, August 24, 2013 the annual Six Mile Lake Golf Outing was held at the Antrim Dells Golf Club in Atwood, Michigan.  12 players formed 3 teams and played 18 holes of Best Ball Golf.  We had a great time at golf that included beautiful weather, scenery, and camaraderie.  Afterwards the participants and our spouses had an enjoyable meal at the club house.

The prizes were as follows:

Longest Drive on hole # 4 was won by Gus Prince

Closest to the Pin on hole # 3 was not won by anyone

Closest to the pin on hole #13 was won by Phil Dieck

Low Team score was 67 recorded by the team of Ken Shaner, Jeff Combs, Kelly Hogan and Tom Kreuze.

$20 payed for use of Mulligan’s and $10 Closest to the pin on hole # 3 monies were donated to the 50-50 fund for prizes for next years picnic.

A great day for a great group.

Ken Shaner


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