Dear Members, PLM has scheduled treatment of Six Mile Lake for July 17th. Thank you, Cherie Hogan Communications
Archive for category: Weeds, Muck & Pests
PLM’s Rapid Response on First Hydrilla Infestation Found in Michigan
The Association, , Weeds, Muck & Pests, 0Aquatic plant found in two West Michigan ponds Hydrilla, considered one of the world’s most invasive aquatic plants, has...
Below are a collection of water quality related reports from PLM 7/23/2020 – BACTERIA SAMPLING REPORT 7/16/2020 – BACTERIA...
The hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA), a native of Asia, is a 1/32 inch long reddish purple insect that lives...
Bear Image Captured on Trail Cam – West Side of Six Mile Lake
The Association, , Weeds, Muck & Pests, 0The bear started at Bill Bates place on the southwest side of Six Mile Lake and was caught on...
Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council Presentation From Sept. 9, 2017 Meeting
The Association, , Weeds, Muck & Pests, 0Attached is the presentation from the September 9th meeting presented by Eli Baker from the Tip of the Mitt....
Purple Loosestrife is in bloom again but it’s easy to deal...
Hello, I have scheduled Six Mile Lake for a survey and water quality testing on Monday June 5, 2017...