Hello SMLA Members,
So far we have four comments on things that annoy us. Things that might annoy you or me, might not annoy others.
We’re a diverse group and for the most part get along pretty well.
Please use Disqus to comment if you’re ok with putting your name on your post.
My post shows up as Catsbella. I have posted 3 comments from people who have emailed me and I will respect their wishes to remain anonymous.
So either way, email me at
[email protected]
or you can add your own post.
Heres how:
Select the article (small letters will say read more) . Once you’re on the article, scroll down and log in to Disqus.
It will ask for your email.
It will ask for your password. Just follow the prompts.
Then you’re in and you can comment.
If you haven’t commented before, you must follow the prompts for a new user.
Please take a few moments and participate, it is important to stay involved. I have to tell you I never thought about political signs being an annoyance until someone brought it to my attention.
On another note,
Its supposed to be a warm summer, according to the meteorologists. A warm summer with the summer olympics starting in August. I wonder if the political stuff will still be going on…