< Notes From The Echo Township Board Meeting – December 5, 2012 | Six Mile Lake Association

Notes From The Echo Township Board Meeting – December 5, 2012

To All,

Listed below are the notes from the December 5, 2012 Echo Township Board Meeting.

Mr. Bill Derenzy Township Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM at the Echo TownshipHall Building.

The “Pledge of Allegiance” was spoken by all.

Approximately 20 visitors attended and most were property owners from Six Mile Lake.

Bill mentioned that the Board had a special session to discuss assessments for Central Lake School System Summer Tax Bill and the Six Mile Lake Assessment proposal.

As of this date the Echo Township Attorney is writing his legal opinion regarding the proposed special assessment on Six Mile Lake.  That should be completed by January 2013.  The attorney is currently working on two other projects that require his immediate attention.

Mr. Derenzy stated that if things move forward, the board hopes to join with South Arm Township and hold joint public hearings at a common meeting place in order to save money and time.  That decision will be made pending the recommendation of their attorney.

Ken Shaner had submitted quotations with a summary comparison of two potential LakeManagement companies to Bill Derenzy in November for his review.

Dave Daniels has met with Bill Derenzy to discuss the petitions and proposed assessments.

Bill Derenzy stated that the signed petitions were reviewed and final results were at the 51% approval and by law that means the assessment can move forward.

Bill also stated that signed petitions (according to Echo Township Attorney) determines the next step and anything regarding as to how the assessment is completed and values are determined is not legally enforceable.  The assessment method and how the property owners will be assessed will be determined during public meetings that need to be held in the future.

Cherie Hogan voiced her concern regarding the possible change as to how property owners will be assessed versus what the Six Mile Lake Board and Committee members told owners when we contacted them during the petition signing period.  The Six Mile Lake Association Board was consulted by our environmental attorney that the fairest way to raise money via an assessment was by parcels and not Lake Frontage.  If a change from our original proposal is implemented it would raise concerns from the lake property owners. 

Scott Shepard voiced his opinion regarding adequate funding to attack the Milfoil in Six Mile Lake and Ken Shaner responded that the Board relied upon the expertise of two reputable companies that presented best and worst case cost scenarios regarding successful treatment and the average between the high and low was used and with some expectation that treatments in outlying years should require less funding based on feedback from other lake administrators.

Bill and the board understand the gravity of the situation at Six Mile Lake and they want to make things work as well.  Many other property owners on other surrounding lakes in the area are very interested as to how Six Mile Lake addresses it Milfoil problem and how it obtains its funding to do it successfully.


Ken Shaner

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