< February 2017 – President’s Corner | Six Mile Lake Association

February 2017 – President’s Corner

Greetings Members,

Today the weather is sunny and mild. We have lost about half of our snow and there are some areas with large patches of green grass showing while other areas still have three foot banks of icy snow. All in all, this has been a nice reprieve from winter.

2017 Meeting dates are as follows;

Saturday, June 10, 9am- Pleasant Valley Free Methodist Church Breakfast Brunch
Saturday, July 15, 9am- Regular meeting- Guest Speaker to be announced
Saturday, August 12, 4:30 pm- Echo Twp Park- SMLA Annual Picnic
Saturday, September 9, 9am- Regular Meeting-Guest Speaker to be announced
Saturday, October 14- 5pm- Chili Supper

FYI, the guest speakers have been contacted but we are filling in the dates that work best for them. For sure Bre Grabill, from PLM, will be giving us an update on the SAD and what we can expect going forward. Our website is undergoing a dramatic change right now and our webmaster, Derrick Hakim, will be giving us an update on that and showing us how to use it.

We have big plans for 2017. In the next President’s Corner, I will outline several committees that we need volunteers for. If you haven’t been involved but would like to meet others around the lake that share common interests volunteering is a great place to start. It’s from these committees that future board members are born!

Until next time,

Cherie Hogan, President

©2025 Six Mile Lake Association

Website Created & Maintained by Derrick Hakim


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