Oct .8, 2016 Saturday @5:00P.M.- State Rd Free Methodist Church
–There will be a ‘special meeting’ on October 8th at the Pleasant Valley Free Methodist Church immediately following the chili supper. The ‘special meeting’ will last no longer than ten minutes. We will be voting on the bylaws AS PRESENTED to the membership (and Posted On The Website HERE). There will not be a discussion just a vote. Vote yes or vote no. For your information, the old bylaws were updated and revised by board members Brent Patterson and Paula Stephanic, who did an excellent job. The revised version was presented to the membership at the September general membership meeting by Brent and there were several comments and suggestions from the attendees, however, the final draft presented is the final draft that we will vote on (minus the suggestions from some members). Again, the final bylaws draft is posted on the website for your review and the vote will take place immediately after the chili supper. If the revised version does not pass then we will go back to the drawing board next year.