< Nathan Beem Memorial Nature Preserve Update | Six Mile Lake Association

Nathan Beem Memorial Nature Preserve Update

Message from Heather Beem

As you may know, we have been planning a parking area and trail loop in 2023 at our beloved Nathan Beem Memorial Nature Preserve. By putting a trail and access site on this preserve it will provide an inviting location for neighbors and people from Ellsworth and East Jordan to go for a hike, dog walk ,snowshoe, etc. The total costs are $8,000 and LTC was awarded a $4,000 grant from the Charlevoix County Community Foundation for this community access project!! Matt Heeres Excavating was able to get the culvert and parking area installed last month. We have moved the marker sign to the parking area. A walking trail has been flagged off and is not completed yet. The Beem family has donated funds to have a split rail fence installed around the parking area to finish it off.

22TooMany, an organization that supports military families for members that were lost to PTSD and suicide and Operation Creekside, and organization that builds custom benches in Memory of those who have served, will be creating a bench in Nathan’s Honor to add at the Preserve late this Fall. We have not selected a spot to locate this yet. There will be a small dedication when it is placed.

We have seen a lot of turkey, deer, bobcat and baby cubs, bear tracks (but not sighted), all types of birds, bald eagle and lots of other wildlife. It is also viewable from the waters-edge on Six Mile Lake. The new walking trail is easy to moderate and goes through the meadow to a line of tall pines that you can walk in between. It is a beautiful piece of land; we are grateful that we are able to share it with you all. Very thankful for Little Traverse Conservancy and the vision and blessing they have been to us all to make this happen.

We appreciate The Six Mile Lake Association and individuals who helped donate to the overall project. It truly is a blessing to our family.

God Bless-
Dan, Heather, Kristin, Ellie, Fisher, Derick, and soon to be Baby Marley

©2025 Six Mile Lake Association

Website Created & Maintained by Derrick Hakim


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