< Working on Special Assessment | Six Mile Lake Association

Working on Special Assessment





Your Six Mile Lake Association (SMLA) milfoil committee has been working very hard for three years to fight the Eurasian Milfoil that has attacked our lake.  We have educated ourselves on what it looks like, how it grows and the methods of control.  The committed members have gone to many seminars, read every article we could find on the internet and elsewhere. We have spent endless hours working on this to be good stewards of the lake. Many of you have sent articles and we thank you.


In the past we to raised money to fight this invasive weed by dues, donation, fund raisers and grants.  The following is a yearly list of the money we have raised and we thank you for you generous help.

2009    $4665.00

2010     $8265.00

2011     $16,000.00

2012     $20,000.00

2013     $0

2014     $0

The problem is bigger than we can fund using our previous fund raising methods. We have worked with Charlevoix and Antrim Counties and Echo and South Arm townships to form two special assessment districts. You will soon be receiving a petition in the mail asking your township to form this special assessment district. We are asking for all lake front property owners to be assessed $100.00 per household and deeded access lots to be split according to the number of owners.  If you own multiple parcels they must be touching each other to qualify as one household.  We need 51% approval by assessed owners to establish the Six Mile lake districts.


What can you do to make this happen?

1 Sign and return the petition as soon as you get it.

2. Talk to your neighbor about this and promote it.

3. Volunteer to help with some of the follow up.

When signing this petition be sure to put the PARCEL NUMBER, your address, signature of ALL property owners, phone number where you can be contacted and the date.


When we reach our goal you will be notified by your township of a special meeting to discuss this.  When this is all said and done we are trying very hard to have it on your winter tax bill. We don’t want to do any more fund raisers and with your help we will be done and on to solving this issue.

Please watch the mail for your petition and return it immediately. If you have any questions, please send email to or call


Thank you for all your support,

Six Mile Lake Association Milfoil Committee

©2025 Six Mile Lake Association

Website Created & Maintained by Derrick Hakim


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