< The Loons Are Back! | Six Mile Lake Association

The Loons Are Back!

Loon PlatformMichele and Tom Kupovitz reported seeing three loons the week-end of April 25 and they live about a mile south of where the north platform is located. Sure enough, we spotted them a couple days later and want everyone to know, that we put the platforms in Wednesday April 30th only three days after the lake thawed.

Because we can’t put our dock or boat hoist in yet, because of water levels, we had to take our boat out after installing the platforms, and so are asking, that if you are out on the lake, please check them for us and let us know if our pair is showing interest in either platform.

You can leave a message at 231-544-2781 and thank you.

©2024 Six Mile Lake Association

Website Created & Maintained by Derrick Hakim


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