< SMLA September Meeting and Invasive Species | Six Mile Lake Association

SMLA September Meeting and Invasive Species

At our September meeting, Heidi Schaffer from the Antrim Soil Conservation District will do a power-point presentation (including photos) on ‘terrestrial invasives’. These are all non-native species that are establishing in Michigan such as wild parsnip, hogweed, etc., and our hope is that we will be able to control these in the future if we know what they are.  Cherie also told her about our ‘invasives’ section of the website. She gave Cherie this link http://www.misin.msu.edu/ which should be extremely helpful to our members. We will also provide information containing the names of bog plants for members looking to plant native species on their shorelines in order to control erosion.

At the Echo Township meeting on April 3rd, Supervisor Derenzy mentioned a large wet spot at Echo Twp Park marked by stakes and rope. They were discussing putting a permanent fence around this area in order to keep the public from tromping through it. Cherie Hogan suggested filling the area with bog trees or bog plants, so Cherie is going to get a list of plants to the Board. Cherie called Heidi Schaffer and she is coming out to personally look at the area (10×20) and Heidi and Cherie are going to ‘plant’ the area sometime in May.


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