< Six Mile Lake Association Milfoil Fund – YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! | Six Mile Lake Association

Six Mile Lake Association Milfoil Fund – YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!

Our lake has been identified by Kevin Cronk of Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council as having the invasive plant, Eurasian watermilfoil.  It is a feathery submerged aquatic plant that can quickly form thick mats in shallow areas of lakes and rivers.  These mats can interfere with swimming and entangle propellers, which hinder boating, fishing and waterfowl hunting.  Heavy infestations may reduce property values.  Matted milfoil can displace native aquatic plants, impacting fish and wildlife. For more information, go to www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov.  A video of the treatment is here:

Help Us Control This Problem & Make A Donation!

Attempts to control the milfoil have included herbicide application, harvesting the plant and biological control.  Application of chemicals is very expensive, can be damaging to native plants and fish, and has not been very effective.  Pulling or harvesting can further spread the milfoil by breaking off pieces, which will root and establish new colonies.  At this point, biological control seems to be the most effective.  Small weevils, which feed only on the Eurasian watermilfoil, are released, usually over several years.  The plant is not completely eradicated but is controlled by the weevils.  Tip of the Mitt has recommended this method for our lake, planting the weevils over a 3-year period at the approximate cost of $7,000 – $10,000. 

The Six Mile Lake Association does not have the money for this program, so we are embarking on a fund raising effort.  Currently, we are conducting a raffle for an all-inclusive trip to Cancun or a cash prize of $1500.00.  Only 100 tickets will be sold at a cost of $50 each, so your chances of winning are very good!  You can call Dave Daniels at 536-7808, Dick Southby at 544-3189 or Gary Batka at 536-2803 for tickets.  The drawing will be held on October 11 at our Lake Association meeting and travel must be completed by December 15.  Blackout dates apply.  Donations for this effort are also greatly appreciated!  We will also notify you of future fundraisers.

We hope you will help us in this very important effort to keep our lake healthy for years to come.  We need to take care of our precious commodity so our children, grandchildren and all those who love this area can enjoy the beauty and the activities that our lake offers. 

©2024 Six Mile Lake Association

Website Created & Maintained by Derrick Hakim


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