< Sample letter to township and address of both suppervisors | Six Mile Lake Association

Sample letter to township and address of both suppervisors

Edit this however you want;

Dear Elected Township Officials,

This letter is being sent to encourage you to adopt the Special Assessment District as put forth in the petition circulated by concerned residents of Six Mile Lake and the Six Mile Lake Association. We are asking that the Special Assessment District be implemented by parcel not by front foot. In this way every property owner will pay a set dollar amount of $200 per parcel which the majority of us agree with and returned our petitions based upon this assumption.

This Special Assessment District is a self-tax and a cost we are willing to accept if we are going to save our lake. We are not asking others to pay this tax for us even though many people who do not live here both use and enjoy Six Mile Lake. It is our belief that the assessment will fail by going to the front footage method and that Six Mile lake will be overcome by the Eurasian Water Milfoil thus causing lake front property values to decrease dramatically. Neither township can afford to take that risk.

Again, we are asking that you move forward and approve the SAD on a per parcel basis as soon as possible.


Mr. William Derenzy (Echo Township)
4170 W. Old State Rd.
Central Lake, MI 49622

Mr. Robert Christiansen (South Arm Township)
6910 Behling Road
East Jordan, MI 49727

©2024 Six Mile Lake Association

Website Created & Maintained by Derrick Hakim


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