< Oct. Newsletter | Six Mile Lake Association

Oct. Newsletter

Its getting time for frost on the pumpkins hope everyone is ready for winter, not me! Just a short up dates on our battle to control the Eurasian Water Milfoil found in our lake by Kevin Cronk from the Tip Of The Mitt. The tickets for the raffle were all sold within one week, but that’s a long way from our goal of $ 7,000 to $10,000 we will need to finance this project. The most that we will have to spend from the raffle is $ 3,500. Thanks to all of you that have sent in donations but we are still way short of our goal this should not fall on the other guy, so if you were thinking about sending a donation now is the time to do it!  It’s your lake too, so dig a little deeper send your donations to the Six Mile Lake Association Milfoil Fund 5575 Miles Rd. East Jordan Mi. 49727. We have not committed to any one way of attacking this problem at this time. We have had visits from Mark Breederland, Michigan Sea Grant and Kevin Cronk ,Tip Of The Mitt both have recommended that we use the Weevils as long as we act A S A P there is no funding to help us with this project. We will have a plan in place in early 2009! Your help is needed to locate new Eurasian Water Milfoil beds also know as E W M contact Dave or Gail Daniels at 536 7808 email [email protected] or Phil or Sally Dieck at 536 3207 email [email protected] We have Info. to help you I. D. E W M anyone interested in helping please contact phone #s or email address’s above. If you have any questions feel free to call.
Please reply to your test Email if you would like to receive news letter via email or send your new address to [email protected] we need your email address.
Visit our web site www.sixmilelakeassociation.org
Don’t forget our Chili dinner at Pleasant Valley Church 5:00 P M Oct. 11th. drinks, dinner, & tableware supplied just bring a dessert to share and something for the silent auction if you would like to. The winning Raffle ticket will be drawn at the dinner, and silent auction will be held. Come to the dinner and find out how you can have a chance to win an extra raffle ticket
Don’t hesitate to bring a guest everyone is welcome.
A wine tasting is still being planned for some time in Dec.
If your mailing label is highlighted in yellow you may still need to pay your dues.
Please pay your dues
Dues $25.00__________new __________renewal
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Winter Address_________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address Summer &Winter_________________________________________________
Email Address______________________________ I would like to receive news letter by email yes_____ no________
Additional donation to Six Mile Lake Assoc._________________________
Mail P. O. Box 421 Central Lake, Mi. 49622
Remember to keep your drives out of the water. Zebra mussels are still out there.
See you on the 11th. Dave

©2025 Six Mile Lake Association

Website Created & Maintained by Derrick Hakim


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