< Milfoil | Six Mile Lake Association


We have had two professionals out to look at the milfiol situation Kevin Cronp, Tipp of the MItt and Mark Breederland from Michigan Sea Grant College program.  They both tell us we are lucky to find the milfiol at this stage so we can get it under control.  We are not in a crisis stage where we would have to chemically treat the whole lake.  They both feel we have a very good shore line for the beatle program to be sucessful.  Many of the lakes in southen MIchigan and Wisconsin that have tried it have had too groomed of a shoreline.  The beatles winter on land and need the brush and growth to survive.  We have not made a dicision as of yet.  We are looking at anything that we can find.

There will be a meeting on MIlfoil on Oct. 30 in Traverse City put on by Mark Breederland and others,  anyone can attend.  The cost is $15.00 and they need you to Rsvp.  We will have more info. on it when the time is closer.

Out biggest issue is $$$$$$$$.  People we HAVE to raise more money.  The raffle was just a start.

  1. Pay your dues, we have lots of members still not paid.  This is time consuming to keep contacting you.

2 . We need YOUR donation of $$$$$$$$. We do not have the funds. We have about 100 members at $25.00=$2500.00.  Not even a start, this just maintains us.

3. Tell your nieghbor about the trouble and send us his e=mail and home address.  We have to get in contact with the property owners that are not members.

4.  LEARN TO ID THE MILFIOL. We are looking for voluteers to be spotters in all areas of the lake.  We need you now.  If you are on the water much of the time you can be very important to this lake.

©2025 Six Mile Lake Association

Website Created & Maintained by Derrick Hakim


We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you!


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