< Milfoil Dialogue – Part #1 | Six Mile Lake Association

Milfoil Dialogue – Part #1

From Jim Brown…..

I am posting this in the hopes that we can get some dialogue going about the milfoil problem and how we can get on top of this thing. It appears to me that we are losing control of this thing.If anyone doubts how bad the problem is they only have to go by my place on the north end of the lake about 1/4 mi south of the power lines. The milfoil is much worse this year than last. We struggle to get our boats out and by next year I doubt that we will be able to. This problem has raised many questions in my mind.
First of all is the beadle plant working? It appears that the plants are coming in faster then we can kill it. Can we increase the plantings? How do we stand with money to fix the problem. When I talked to Sally on the lake last week she mentioned the possibility of a tax assessment. I would gladly go along with this but that brings up some questions.

– Would it be a one time tax assessment or until the problem is solved?
– Can you turn an assessment on and off as needed

Is the DNR involved in this problem? If so is there any Gov. funding available?

If it is bad enough can we poison the weed? If so what do we use and how do we apply it? Does it require a permit?

Can the Milfoil be cut and harvested? If so, how? Is there a machine available anywhere to do this?

These are just some of the things going through my mind. Hopefully some of the other people on the lake can answer some of these concerns.

I want to thank you and the committee for all of your efforts.

Jim Brown

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Website Created & Maintained by Derrick Hakim


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