Bob Lewis wrote:
I also was looking at ways to help slow the spread with out the use of chemicals, and maybe give the weevils a chance to catch up. But like anything, it would involve people working together. I know it is a lot of work, but it could be done from above the water and not below. Above is a link to a site about the Jenson mower. This machine will cut to at least seven feet! This is not cheap, the cost per machine with the four foot extension is about $2,700.00 each. We would need at least two or three for our size lake, but one might not be a bad start.. The end result, as I see it, would be cutting and harvesting the milfoil to the lakes edge, allowing the milfoil to dry out, and if there are any weevils in it, allowing them time to return to the lake. Not easy, but can be done. It is just an idea and would involve lots of team work, but maybe a way to help slow it down and allow the weevil to catch up.
Bob Lewis