< Membrship List | Six Mile Lake Association

Membrship List

We have had numerous request for a membership list.  The board has come up with an idea to making a list available.  It will be available to members only by attachment to an e-mail or hard copy in the mail or person.  Nothing will be on the website for anyone to see. If you want to be on the list please e-mail Sally or put your information in the private contact area on the website. Only Sally and Derrick can get information from that area. You are free to list any information:  names, home and/or lake address, phone numbers( home, cottage& /or cells) and e-mail address. Only  items YOU want listed will be on the sheet.  Work will be done on this over the winter. We hope to have a good start  in the spring when the first newsletter goes out.  The members that are on snail mail will be asked to input information in the first spring mailing.
Please remember to contact us on the website or via Sally if you change your e-mail,  Our goal is to get 100% of our membership using e-mail instead of the US post office.  We do know that won’t happen but we are closer all the time.  If you know a neighbor that might not have contacted us with his e-mail please let us know. This is your Lake Association and we want to respond to your request.
Website www.sixmilelakeassociation.org   Waiting for your input

©2025 Six Mile Lake Association

Website Created & Maintained by Derrick Hakim


We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you!


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