< Loons | Six Mile Lake Association


Wanted to let you know, just in case you don’t already, that we have a beautiful pair of loons on both the north and south platforms. Kelly and I had a heck of a time with the high water levels getting the platforms in. His Jeep was almost sitting in the water halfway up the tires at the park when we launched but we got them in. Traveling down Six Mile Lake was eerie as we couldn’t throw much of a wake given the conditions and there wasn’t a boat or dock in anywhere. We had to guess where to locate the platforms considering that the water was 26 inches above means and, in our yard over 20 feet over our shoreline.

Within hours a pair of loons had taken the south platform and were up sitting within 7 days. Jeff Combs verified that the north platform also had a beautiful pair of loons and about five days later they were also up on the platform. Kelly and I got the buoys in on the south platform a week ago Thursday night and then a couple days later got the north buoys in. If they have chicks they will be born later than normal and the chicks will try to grow up in the heart of boating, skiing and fishing season on Six Mile Lake. The first two weeks the chicks cannot dive so we can only hope they don’t get run over by someone racing across the lake that won’t see them in time. Please…keep your eyes pealed and I’ll send an email out when they are born. In the meantime…enjoy the sweet sound of our Six Mile Lake loons!!!

©2024 Six Mile Lake Association

Website Created & Maintained by Derrick Hakim


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