< Loon Platforms Installed on Lake | Six Mile Lake Association

Loon Platforms Installed on Lake

Cherie Hogan wrote:
The loon platforms are in!!! One is located on the south end of the lake just to the west of the Webber’s residence and the other is on the north end of the lake pretty close to where the power lines go through.

The platforms are covered with wet straw and soggy wood chips to give them a natural look and to encourage the loons to nest. They are floating in 4-6 feet of water. Please be aware that this will be the first year for the platforms and we may not get any loons but Canada geese or swans or something else instead. Hopefully the loons we had last year will return to our lake and eventually raise young here. For those members who were unable to attend last year’s meeting when the guest speaker was Bill Truscott, the area’s foremost loon expert, be advised that the oldest loon known to be alive in the world is on Clam Lake and is 21 years old.

We hope one of the loons that has been raised on this Chain will recognize the platforms and use one so that Six Mile Lake will experience what Intermediate Lake has for the past 10 years….loon families with babies. Eventually, we will mark the platforms so that boaters will stay away.

Anyone who wishes to be a loon observer please call 231-544-2781 and leave a message. Kelly Hogan, who is heading up the Loon Committee, will stop by and give you the loon watch form and get you on the loon map. This should be an exciting project!!!

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