< Loon Banding Schedule | Six Mile Lake Association

Loon Banding Schedule

Below is our new loon banding schedule:

Thurs. Aug.20 Lake Bellaire
Team: Peg Comfort & ?

Fri. Aug. 21 Intermediate Lake
Team: Peg Comfort & ?

Sat. Aug. 22 Six Mile Lake
Team: Kelly Hogan & Brad McArtor

Sun. Aug. 23 Elk Lake
Team: Josh Owens & ?

1. We need volunteers for several lakes.
2. We need boats and drivers for Lake Bellaire and Intermediate Lake.
Let me know if you or a friend can help us out this year.
Thanks for caring about the loons.


Cherie Hogan

©2024 Six Mile Lake Association

Website Created & Maintained by Derrick Hakim


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