26 February 2012
Dear Six Mile Lake Residents,
Just a few lines to bring you up to date. We placed a down payment of $3,500 to Enviro Science to seal a two-for-one deal on weevils. The weevils will be placed in the lake in May or June depending on ambient conditions. This latest buy of weevils signals a more aggressive approach towards the control of the milfoil. For anyone who spent anytime on the lake last sumer it was obvious the weed was out of control. Areas just south of the power lines on both sides of the lake were much worse than the previous year. It was impossible to fish the shore and retrieve a cast without snagging tall columns of milfoil and fouling your prop. Our numbers in weevils have grown from 6000 in 2009 to 30,000 this year. Hopefully the increased number of weevils will make a significant difference.
None of this has come about without significant effort and association members and particularly the milfoil committee members are growing tired. In an attempt to institutionalize the funding we have briefed both South Arm Township and Echo Township boards and asked for their assistance. The townships are broke, as are most municipalities, and while they have no money to support us both have given us their strongest endorsement and will assist us in anyway they can. Both townships were doubtful a township or county millage would pass but both recommended we pursue a special assessment district. A special assesssment district would be made up of all Six Mile Lake property owners and result in an equal assessment for each property owner. This is not a new concept and has been used before by other lakes for precisely this purpose. Other lakes in Michigan have done the same thing to combat Eurasion Water Milfoil with very favorable results. At this time we are meeting to write an assessment letter so we can hit the deck running in the spring.This is the Eurasion Milfoil Brief given to the townships and is full of useful information for all lake residents.
Thank all of you for your donations to the cause and remember without each and everyone of you our organization would be an empty shell … we can do nothing without your active involvement. As a lake organization, you’re the best. Enjoy the rest of our winter and see you all in the spring.
Warm Regards
Six Mile Lake Association