Message from SMLA Board Member, Vicky Saenz:
Good Afternoon SMLA Members,
By now you know that we’re dealing with higher than normal lake water levels. We’ve had three days of constant rain with a few days with intermitent rain. A lot of docks are under water and some water craft have floated loose.
Actually, water crafts and docks have floated off together at some homes.
If you have any concerns or questions, please contact your neighbors and see if they will check on your cottage or property. If your neighbors have left for their winter homes and you need a contact person, you can call me, Vicky Saenz 231/222-2103. It is my understanding that the dams downstream from us are wide open and hopefully we’ll see the lake levels go down.It does look like its going to be a year like last year, so hopefully you can plan accordingly.Bring floating devices and docks further up from the lake so you won’t lose them come spring 2015.
Thank you,
Vicky Saenz
[email protected]