< Has Anyone Had A Problem Getting A Septic Permit? | Six Mile Lake Association

Has Anyone Had A Problem Getting A Septic Permit?

My name is Marsha Keeton and my husband and I own a lot on Six Mile Lake Road next to John and Ruthann Hebden. We are in the process of putting a house on the lot but have run into some problems with the septic permit. I was wondering if anyone else on the lake has had any problems getting a permit?

Does anyone on the lake have any suggestions or names we can contact in order to get our permit? Our builder is working on it but I thought I would contact you for help.

We purchased the lot with the intent of putting a house on it and now we are very upset because the guy at the Health Department would not grant a permit due to a little stream of water flowing between our property and our neighbors property.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
Marsha & Randy Keeton

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