Here are the highlights and results from Saturday’s Golf outing held at Antrim Dells Golf Course:
Closest to the pin on Hole # 5 was Roger Bayshore
Longest Drive on Hole # 6 was Roger Bayshore
Longest Drive on Hole # 12 was Peter Youngson
No one hit the green on Hole # 16 so that money ($20) was divided evenly between the Loon and Milfoil funds.
Low team Score was a 68 from the team of Adell and Leon Steinberg and Bev Fikse and August Prince so they are the champions for this year.
The high score was a tie at 80 between (2) teams: Tom Kupovits, Terry Kupovits, Phil Dieck and Dennis Kacakowski and Wally and Zelda Tiefenthal and Preston and Vicky Sanez
We received $70 in Mulligan purchases of which was divided and donated to the Loon and Milfoil funds
We had a total of 7 groups of 4 golfers each participate in the outing.
Even though it was very warm we had a great time, the event went very well, and the rain held off until we were finished golfing.
Thanks to all and I hope to see you next year!!