< Carpet Cleaning Reminder | Six Mile Lake Association

Carpet Cleaning Reminder

Message from SMLA Member, Sally Dieck:

Annual carpet cleaning- coming June 9- 13.   Major days are Tues, Weds, and Thursday.  He will clean the other days put has more help on those three days.  If it isn’t a real deal to you choose the Tues.- Thursday time slot.  If you are only here on weekend that is great.

I have many of you signed up already just wanted to let you know again as the time is getting near that he will be here and you have had a chance to see how dirty your carpet is now that it is nice out.
Carpet Cleaning- David Anderlie and his son Andrew , have offered to clean our carpets this June . He will be here from Tues June 9 -13 cleaning carpets.
4 rooms $99
sofa $69
boats. pontoons and cars
cleans tile grout
He does the best job I have ever had done when it comes to carpets

If you want something cleaned reply with you name , address and a good number for him to get a hold of you.
YOu can e mail him at [email protected] or call Sally at 231-536-3206or email her at [email protected].
People are always calling me for names of people to help in the house or yard. I have three girls that would like to work again this summer.They will help inside or outside and are good workers, You have to contact the mothers to schedule help.Call Tina at 231-675-3826 or Yvonne at 231-588-2104.Just show them what you want done and it will lighten your load so youc an get on the water.

Sally Dieck

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