Calendar for the rest of the year
Sept. 10- Sat. @9:00- Location Free Methodist Church-Old State & 6 Mile Lake Rds. Guest speaker- Jeff Lange of the Loon Corps. can’t wait to hear him.
Board member elections
Voting on revised bylaws-
Sept 12- Ladies of the Lake++++
Oct. 8- Sat. @ 5:00 p.m.-Chili supper& Silent auction. Want to cook your special chili? Chairperson -Ria Black
Oct. 3- Ladies of the Lake
Nov. 7 Ladies of the Lake
Dec.5 Ladies of the Lake
Dec.10 Annual Christmas Party- Blue Pelican @ 5:00 cocktail, Dinner 7:00
Ladies of the Lake usually meet the 1st Monday of the month except holidays. We meet at the Front Porch @ 9:00 a.m. for breakfast. We meet year round.Everyone welcome.
Don’t forget to pay your dues of $25. Why, to protect your investment, you have a very pro active lake association we need you. Even if you don’t attend meetings you still need to join. You can pay online on the website.,
to a board member or mail to
Six Mile Lake Association
P.O. Box 421
Central Lake, Michigan 49622
This is the time for you to take care of the PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE on your shoreline. You can kill it will Renovate 3. dig it up or cut the stems and bag to keep the seed from spreading. This may be pretty but it is not good. Destroy it now.