Our meeting was held this morning to discuss the method of assessment for Six Mile Lake. It began at...
At the request of Township supervisors while I am out of town, Cherie Hogan, Vice President, will represent Six...
South Arm Township Meeting Wednesday, January 9, 2013 Supervisor Robert Christiansen said that the bottom line for our assessment...
As many of you know, the Townships, per the advice of Attorney Bryan Graham, are entertaining the idea of...
Echo Township Meeting Wednesday, January 2, 2013 Bill Derenzy called the meeting to order. He introduced the new county...
Mr. Bob Christensen called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM Eight Six Mile Lake Property Owners were in...
To All, Listed below are the notes from the December 5, 2012 Echo Township Board Meeting. Mr. Bill Derenzy...
For those of you who don’t know about the efforts of a group of us to try to stop...
If you can share some experiences and solutions you’ve had with invasive weeds or pesky critters, this would be...
Share your experience and sightings of our great natural life here. What, where and when you’ve seen or heard...