Subject: birding hike at preserve Hi all~ Hope you are all doing great and enjoying the nice weather! I am...
Here’s the information Cherie mentioned in here June 2017 President’s Corner about the loon project on the Elk Rapids Chain-O-Lakes...
Hello, I have scheduled Six Mile Lake for a survey and water quality testing on Monday June 5, 2017...
Greetings Members, I hope all of you got your postcards in the snail mail by now detailing the dates...
Greetings Members, By now I hope you’ve had a chance to peruse the new Six Mile Lake Association website....
Here’s the 2016 Lake Evaluation Report from PLM along with the current treatment information. Six Mile Lake 2016 On-site...
Bill Bates has scheduled the Spring Highway Clean-up this year for Saturday May 6th at 10 am. Volunteers are...
Hello Members, Just a quick note to let you know that ice out on Six Mile Lake happened about...
Hello Everyone, This is an update to conditions on Six Mile Lake so far this year. The water levels...
Greetings Members, Today the weather is sunny and mild. We have lost about half of our snow and there...